Bring bold beauty to any occasion with our stunning Protea & Roses Signature Bouquet!
Featuring the striking elegance of locally grown protea, paired with vibrant hot pink roses and pops of sunshine from yellow acacia, solidago, and other hand-selected seasonal blooms.
Each bouquet is lovingly crafted with flowers fresh from our farm, ensuring a unique, sustainable, and long-lasting arrangement that will brighten any space.Perfect for gifts, celebrations, or just because – this bouquet is a true showstopper. Send the unforgettable charm of locally grown flowers!
Subscribe and save! Every 2 weeks, for 8 weeks, we will deliver a fresh bouquet of our best locally grown flowers. We provide a vase with our first delivery. After that, we will only deliver the flowers, no vase.
Subscription deliveries are on Tuesdays. It is important that you are available for the delivery each time, or leave a fresh bucket of water for the flowers. Flowers will not be left at your door without water.
- If you need to purchase more than 1 arrangement with separate delivery locations, please send us a message or add a note to your order.
- We may personally contact you to confirm delivery location and time of your order.
Sales tax is applied at checkout.
All products are subject to seasonal availability; therefore, we reserve the right to substitute with an equivalent product making effort to maintain the look and feel of the product. Your arrangement will have only the flowers that our climate and land will produce at that time. We commit to sustainable farming methods and low environmental impact by creating arrangements using flowers and foliage grown in our local fields and serving our community in our 40 mile radius.